Ward Goal for 2012

Learn of the Savior and seek to incorporate His attributes into your life.

April Ward Theme

What you choose to think and do when you are alone and you believe no one is watching is a strong measure of your virtue.
                                                        Preach My Gospel
Please remember to report your visiting teaching to the assigned District Supervisor - Thank you

April Calendar

05 - RS Temple Trip leave church 8:10
17 - YM/YW Dinner and Auction

Please inventory your home storage and plan a trip to the dry pack cannery in Pocatello with your family or visiting teaching sisters.

April Lesson Schedule

01 - General Conference
08 - "The Immortality of the Soul" Teachings of George Albert Smith
15 - "Temple Blessings for Ourselves and Our Ancestors" Teachings of George Albert Smith
22 - "Love Her Mother" Elaine S. Dalton - October 2011 General Conference
29 - Priesthood/Relief Society combined lesson